With the continuation of Kumu lives hosted by MNL48 aspirants and current members today, 16-year old Yiesha Amera Ungad is the third MNL48 aspirant to make her debut live.
A native of Dumalinao, Zamboanga Del Sur, Yiesha adapted the “48 Questions” process, thus she was able to let out information for the fans to get to know her better. On the stream, Yiesha showed two of her drawings to the viewers. Through the questions, it was noted that her zodiac sign is Capricorn. She aspires to become a neurosurgeon and hopes to establish a hospital to help those with financial problems. Yiesha also mentioned that she wants to become a youth leader for the environment and teach other people proper waste disposal management.
She is active in sports; she was a futsal player before she got foot injury, she also pointed out that she plays basketball. When asked about her biggest pet peeve, she revealed that she hates it when people make loud chewing noises, the sound of walis tingting screeching on the ground, and people who enter rooms but don’t close the doors. Her mother is a Christian while her father is Muslim. Most notably, Yiesha has won multiple academic contests in the country.
365 Araw ng Eroplanong Papel is Yiesha’s favorite MNL48 song, explaining that the song relates so much to her journey as an MNL48 aspirant because it is a song that talks about dreams and aspirations in life. Being an MNL48 member has been a dream of hers and she has been following MNL48 members, thus she was able to learn about the 3rd Generation auditions taking place.
Yiesha brought up that she has been learning a lot about the 48G system and highlighted about the “golden rule” that she believes all aspirants and members should follow. She hopes to be a part of Team L as her kami-oshi Frances belongs to the said team, to add, there are a lot of Bisaya members within the team thus Yiesha believes she will be most comfortable there especially that she has problem speaking Tagalog.
Before ending her Kumu live stream, she dedicated a short rap piece for the MNLoves to point out that the supporters and their solid support is what makes her life more colorful. She made a lasting impact towards the hearts of the MNLoves during the Kumu stream that lasted for an hour and a half and garnering 109.1k of diamonds, 87.19k likes, and 4174 total viewers.